About Us

Our Story

If you’re reading this, searching for whether CBD is the rght fit for you and your nutrition goals, you’re on the same journey that led my wife and I to start Just Be Whole Life Living!

In our search to find the best CBD products, we discovered that there is a wide spectrum of quality in the CBD industry. Most products are not tested, and the ones that are have pretty opaque reporting.

We determined that we would only sell products that had a high level of purity and the highest level of testing.

Beyond that, though, we’re a “Whole Life Living”‘ company. CBD is not a panacea, and for some of you reading this, it won’t even help. That’s just the way our bodies work.

But it definitely won’t fix your problems if the rest of your life is out of balance. If you’re not exercising, watching your nutrition or resting properly, CBD is not going to do much for you. You must engage your “whole life”.

Our Team